Ownership Changes at Still Waters Yoga

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I'm very excited to announce that Heather and I are completing the final steps of transitioning from partnership to Heather as the sole owner of Still Waters Yoga. (Lots of paperwork remains, but a soft deadline is June 1st). Owning Still Waters Yoga has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I'm so proud of the community all of us have created together. My greatest joy has been watching each of you choose to allow the teachings of yoga to transform your lives and your bodies.

In our partnership, Heather and I chose a commitment to making each decision from a heart-centered place. That choice taught me so much about the power of women partnering in a respectful, loving and compassionate ways. There were prickly times for each of us. We learned to take space when things got challenging, to get curious about our edges, to trust each other and to reunite with honesty and faith in each other and in our vision for SWY. The result is...our friendship has deepened. I love her from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to the new way our friendship will evolve as each of us step more fully into our calling in life.

So what prompted this change? As some of you know...in December John and I traveled to St Martins for vacation and ended up smack dab in the middle of a revolution. We watched that small country come to a standstill because no one was listening to the native people. (Does all businesses closed and being sequestered to our hotel sound familiar? LOL) That prompted a deep inquiry for me. "What part of my Self was revolting (as evidenced by the pain in my knee) and I'm refused to listen?" So for the last 5 months, I tucked in and leaned more deeply into my meditation, journaling, long walks in nature and time on my mat.

I learned I love yoga and I love teaching but there is a part of my practice and my teaching that no longer makes my heart sing. I was making myself small to people please. And, now I'm ready to take my next steps. I'm ready to stop shrinking. So I've begun sharing my stories in the world because I believe that deep life-changing transformation happens in the everyday moments of rewriting our stories. Yoga has been instrumental in shifting my story from one laced with hidden anger and crippling fear.... to one of gratitude and joy! And I want to help other women become themselves by rewriting their stories. I'm taking baby steps. I don't have all the answers and I'm not even sure I know what the "end" looks like, but I do know I can't ignore the urge to become the Wise Woman I've always been.

I will continue to teach classes and offer workshop at Still Waters Yoga...my yoga home. And....you can learn more about how my storytelling process is unfolding by liking my FB page, joining my Youtube channel or visiting my website (scheduled to be "live" later this week).

I've made this decision with complete confidence that all of us are in the best of hands with Heather leading our community. I'm noticing as I step up and live more fully aligned with my passion, Heather is doing the same. I'm excited to say that as she takes the lead, she will bring a fresh perspective. YEA! For a community to THRIVE, it must flow and shift and change. Heather is devoted to each and every one of you and to our community. She brings incredible passion, enthusiasm, love and a gentle strength to her leadership. We couldn't be in better hands and, I am so excited to be a part of her community.

Love, Kathie

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for!"

Sean Patrick Flanery


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